Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 4

2011 год

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Maskulov E.

Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Timoshenko A.

The Russian region policy in the Arctic in the XX−ХХI centuries: problems of strategic continuity

Socio-cultural landscape of the Arctic and the North

Gurlenova L.

Russian Literature of the Republic of Komi: the problems of history and modern condition issues

Zemtsova I.

Global symbols in the décor of the northern distaffs

Konstantinova T.

Tribal communities of South Yakutia in industrial development

Nikonova L., Kandrina I.

Bath and the north: to history of a question and traditions of culture

Okunev Y.

Activization of cultural regionsdevelopment through cooperation With foreign countries in a context of Arctic regionsdevelopment

Osipova O.

The heroic epos as an element of the ethnic identity of Sakha: in public’s opinion

Sidorovskaya T.

Role of Consumer’s Cooperation in Arkhangelsk Region in Vital Activity of Rural Population

Popova A.

Educational status of the Youth of the Indigenous Peoples of the North: the gender context

Chuvashova N.

Protest behavior in region (on the materials of the Arkhangelsk region)

Shraga M., Kolchina К., Smorkalova N.

Consumption of alcohol by students of Arkhangelsk in the beginning of XXI century

Ecology of the Arctic and the North, nature resources

Baisheva S.

Influence of the building of the Kankun hydropower on the environment: assessment by the aboriginals of South Yakutia

Vinokurova L.

Rural Yakutia: perception indigenous population сhanges in environment

Dushkova D., Evseev A.

Аnalisys of technogenic impact on geosystems of the Еuropean Russian North

Kulikova O.

Legal measures of protection of water bioresources of the Arctic region

Filippova V.

Social Challenges of periodic floods in the Yakutia


Falco E.

Women's personalities in the pages of textbooks the history of Russia

Innovative projects

Varfolomeyev Y., Kuznezov A.

Decrease in expenses for electrosupply at Development of an infrastructure of Arkhangelsk

New Publications

Strategic challenges and economic factors Maritime Policy in the Russian Arctic



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