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Rural Yakutia: perception indigenous population сhanges in environment

Vinokurova L.

Specific entry: Ecology of the Arctic and the North, nature resources

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In rural Yakutia climatic factors were added to human impacts on the environment. The phenomena of melting permafrost, rising water in rivers and lakes were recorded in rural areas. Normal Windrose has changed as well as temperature fluctuations in different seasons are marked. Environmental changes are perceived the indigenous population as a serious threat to quality of life.

About authors

Vinokurova Lilia, Ph. D., associate professor, senior research fellow, sector of Arctic researches of Institute for Humanities and Indigenous Peoples of the North SB RAS. Priority research topics: agrarian and social history, ethnic history of the North and the Arctic, gender researches.
Contact Phones: 8 (411-2) 35-36-85, 36-61- 54.
E-mail: lilivin@mail.ru.


Arctic North, Yakutia, rural ecology, climate change, quality of life


