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Influence of the building of the Kankun hydropower on the environment: assessment by the aboriginals of South Yakutia

Baisheva S.

Specific entry: Ecology of the Arctic and the North, nature resources

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South Yakutia is the territory of residence of the native population (Evenki) and intensive industrial development. Sector studies have shown the presence of permanent factors that substantially affect the process of adaptation to the realities of life. Rapid changes of socio-economic structure of modern society have led to the emergence of new social and socio-political factors that have an intense impact on the Aboriginal community Evenki. The system of belief, constant communion with nature help to survive in the harsh environment of Evensk taiga, uncomfortable conditions of the national settlement with one hand. On the other, the invasion of industry on the territory of traditional nature compels Aboriginal community to increase their civic position, be able to assert their rights.

About authors

Baisheva Sargylana, Ph. D. in economics, senior researcher of sector ethnosociology of Institute of Humanitarian Researches and Problems of the Small People of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Priority research topics: socio-cultural adaptation, socio-economic development of Northern indigenous peoples, small businesses, the level and quality of life.
Contact Phone: 8 (4112) 35-49-96.
Е-mail: baisarqy09@yandex.ru.


aboriginal people, natural resources, traditional aboriginal activities, transformation of social processes, the implementation of the rights of indigenous ethnic groups


