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Legal measures of protection of water bioresources of the Arctic region

Kulikova O.

Specific entry: Ecology of the Arctic and the North, nature resources

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In article the questions connected with a general characteristic of the operating faunistic legislation regarding protection of water biological resources are considered. In connection with a wide circulation of environmental problems including in the Arctic region questions of protection of the given kind of natural resources are very actual. The author analyses existing system of sources in the field of rational use and protection of water bioresources, concrete norms of the right are resulted and characterized.

About authors

Kulikova Olga, the candidate of jurisprudence, the senior lecturer
of chair of the ground and ecological right of State educational
establishment higher professional education «The Saratov state
academy of the law». Priority research topics: legal measures of protection
of wood resources, water biological resources, legal questions
of their rational use.
E-mail: kulikovaov.sgap@rambler.ru.


environment, natural resources, water biological resources, rational use, protection of water bioresources, liability of infringement of the faunistic legislation


