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The heroic epos as an element of the ethnic identity of Sakha: in public’s opinion

Osipova O.

Specific entry: Socio-cultural landscape of the Arctic and the North

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National art is one of important factors in preservation of national
consciousness. The central place in folklore culture of people of
sakha, is occupied by the heroic epos – olonkho. The report represents
an attempt of ethnosociologists to answer the question of how
the cultural heritage is reflected in ethnic identity of modern representatives of the people of
sakha and what is an influence level of olonkho as a cultural value of the people to on ethnic
identity's development. Modern society is impacted by the global processes such as globalization,
urbanization, and informatization of inhabitancy. The report will try to answer the question of
what is the picture that is formed by these factors in relevance to the ethnic heritage and whether
or not olonhko as a genre of folklore is changing only to a certain exhibited art form which is only
symbolizing the ethnicity.

About authors

Osipova Olga, senior assistant of Institute of the Humanities and
the indigenous peoples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the
Russian Academy of Sciens. Priority research topics: ethnic identity,
interethnic relations, social communication, political communication.
Contact Phone: 8-924-174-54-74.
E-mail: osipovaovr@rambler.ru


olonkho, heroic epos, sakha, Yakutia, ethnic identity, culture, modern society


