Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 43

2021 год

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Social and Economic Development

Vasilyev A.M., Aleksandrova M.A.

Problems and Prospects of Atlantic Salmon Mariculture Development in the Russian Arctic

Vopilovskiy S.S.

Infrastructure Projects — General Resource for Increasing the Economic Potential of the Arctic

Serova N.A.

Long-term Dynamics of Economic Development of the Russian Arctic

Skufyina T.P., Korchak E.A., Baranov S.V.

Chimeras of the Past and Navigation through the Latest Development Conditions, Risks and Opportunities for Managing the Russian Arctic

Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S.

Assessment of Financial Opportunities for Implementation of Innovation Potential by Mining Enterprises of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of the North and the Arctic

Political Processes and Institutions

Kobzeva M.A.

Cooperation between Russia and China in Arctic Shipping: Current State and Prospects

Trubitsina O.P., Bashkin V.N.

Geopolitical Risks of Hydrocarbon Development in the Russian Arctic

Ushakova E.G.

Arctic Frontier: Ice Silk Road and Its Role in China's Advance to the Arctic

Northern and Arctic Societies

Dyadik N.V., Chapargina A.N.

Digitalization in Education and Distance Barriers in the Russian Arctic: Problems and Prospects

Kuznetsova Ya.A.

Population Formation and Development Dynamics of the Russian Far North in the 1920s

Troshina T.I., Morozova O.M., Vorobyeva N.A.

Transformation Processes and Nutrition Factor in the Far North Residents' Resilience System

Tsvetkov A.Yu.

Logistic Basis for Organizing Weekend Recreation for the Population of the Arkhangelsk Urban Agglomeration

Reviews and Reports

Zhuravel V.P.

The Arctic Business Trip of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Sergeev to Yakutia: the Main Results and Prospects for Russian Science Development

Zaikov K.S., Sobolev N.A.

Marine Plastic Debris Pollution in the Western Sector of the Russian Arctic

Kudryashova E.V., Openkov M.Yu., Zhgileva L.A.

On the Methodology of Subglacial Oceans