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Marine Plastic Debris Pollution in the Western Sector of the Russian Arctic

Zaikov K.S., Sobolev N.A.

Specific entry: Reviews and Reports

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The article discusses the pollution of marine environment with plastic waste, in particular, the accumulation of microplastics in the oceans, which is one of the most serious environmental problems both in the world and in the Russian Arctic. Alongside with other world oceans, the Arctic Ocean and the Barents Sea have become places of plastic accumulation, causing great harm to the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic region. Researchers have found microplastics not only in Arctic waters, but also in the ice of the Arctic seas. Plastic debris is carried by ocean currents from more densely populated areas of the planet. Local sources, such as fishing and other commercial activities, as well as waste water, are one more reason. Microplastics adversely affect living organisms in the ocean. In particular, plastic can cause physical harm and disrupt body formation of marine animals, as well as cause death by suffocation or ingestion of plastic. At the same time, plastics can accumulate persistent organic pollutants on their surface, which can poison marine animals, damaging the entire food chain.

About authors

Konstantin S. ZAIKOV, D.Sc. of Historical Sciences, Professor
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Nikita A. SOBOLEV, Researcher
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


marine ecosystem, debris, biodegradation, plastic pollution, microplastics, the Arctic





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