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No. 55

2024 год

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Social and Economic Development

Bryukhanova E.A., Nagaeva O.S., Shishatsky N.G.

Formation of the Arctic Ethno-Economic Cluster as a Condition for Sustainable (Ecological and Ethno-Preserving) Development of the Region (On the Example of the Arctic Territories of the Krasnoyarsk Krai)

Tishkov S.V., Egorov N.E., Volkov A.D., Kovrov G.S.

Innovative Potential of the Regions in the Russian Arctic Zone: State and Spatial Differentiation

Ivanov S.V., Tsukerman V.A.

Mining Waste Management of the Arctic Industrial Enterprises: Environmental Protection and Economics of Production

Kuznetsova S.Yu.

Local Transport Systems of the Russian Arctic (On the Example of the Primorskiy District of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Samarina V.P., Skufina T.P.

New Opportunities and New Risks for Sustainable Development of the Russian Arctic in the Context of Climate Change

Northern and Arctic Societies

Astakhova I.S.

Attitude of the Population to the Industrial Development of the Territories of Traditional Residence of Indigenous Peoples of the North (On the Materials of Ethnological Expertise in the Sadyn Nasleg of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

Ivanov I.A., Manakov A.G., Terenina N.K.

Spatial Aspects of Development of the Ethno-Contact Zone in Karelia

Chernyshev K.A., Konyshev E.V., Petrov E.Yu.

Educational Migration from Arctic Regions of Russia That Do Not Have Independent Universities

Podshivalov N.S., Sivobrova I.A.

Social Polarization and Income Differentiation on the “North-Center” Axis

Provorova A.A., Smirennikova E.V., Ukhanova A.V.

Population Health in the Russian Arctic: Problems, Challenges, Solutions

Reviews and Reports

Vasilyev A.V., Zaikov K.S., Zarubina L.A., Zashikhina I.M., Kuusiholma T., Liu H., Popkova S.V.

Outcomes of the Russian-Chinese Expert Seminar “Science Diplomacy in the Arctic under Global Challenges”

Zhuravel V.P.

Arctic Agenda of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF-2023)

Timoshenko D.S.,

Arctic Agenda of SPIEF 2023 — Digital, Economic, Environmental, and Socio-Cultural Aspects

Maksimov A.M., Yakusheva U.E.

Studies of Social and Economic Development of the Russian Arctic at the Regional and Local Levels: Review of Some Relevant Works by Russian Researchers

Nenasheva L.V., Shurykina L.S.

Electronic Dictionary of Arkhangelsk Dialects