Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 40

2020 год

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Social and Economic Development

Bhagwat J.

Maritime Shipping on the Northern Sea Route: Need for Greater Emphasis on Mutual Cooperation and a Non-Negotiable Safety Culture. Part II

Emelyanova E.E., Chapargina A.N.

Status and Specifics of the Housing Market in the Arctic Regions of Russia

Korchak E.A.

Threats to the Sustainable Development of the Russian Arctic: Poverty

Maksimov A.M., Malinina K.O., Blynskaya T.A.

The Correlation of Social Capital, Social Trust and Population’ Entrepreneurial Activity in the Arctic Region (a Case Study of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Pilyasov A.N.

The Courage of Economic Decisions and Modern Development of the Russian Arctic

Pudovkina S.O., Kruk M.N.

Attracting Human Resources to Arctic Enterprises Using Marketing Tools

Troshina T.I.

Foreign Trade Experiments in the Arkhangelsk Province (1916–1921): Historical Experience of Survival under Sanctions

Political Processes and Institutions

Gudev P.A.

The Northern Sea Route: Problems of National Status Legitimization under International Law. Part I

Konyshev V.N.

Is the Arctic on the Brink of a Hybrid War?

Østhagen A., Jørgensen A.-K., Moe A.

The Svalbard Fisheries Protection Zone: How Russia and Norway Manage an Arctic Dispute

Northern and Arctic Societies

Astakhova I.S.

Pechora Routes of the Northern Scientific and Commercial Expedition

Lukin Yu.F.

International Shipping Routes for Cargo Transportation in the Arctic

Krutikov A.V., Smirnova O.O., Bocharova L.K.

Strategy for the Development of the Russian Arctic. Results and Prospects

Smirnov A.V.

The Arctic Population: Dynamics and Centers of the Settlement System

Pitukhina M.A., Radikov I.V., Volokh V.A.

The Observatory of Finno-Ugric Indigenous Peoples in the Republic of Karelia