Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 53

2023 год

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Social and Economic Development

Agarkov S.A., Koshkarev M.V.

Prospective Development of Arctic Coal Reserves on the Basis of Spatial Organization of Communications

Aleksushin G.V.

The Nuclear Icebreaker Fleet and Its Role in the Economic Development of the Northern Sea Route

Bazhutova E.A., Skufina T.P.

Assessment of Readiness of the Regional Economic System for the Implementation of the Concept of Integrated Processing of Mineral Resources (On the Example of the Murmansk Oblast)

Ivanova M.V., Fedorova O.A.

Possibilities of Arctic Oil Transportation to the Refineries of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Minchuk O.V., Saburov A.A., Zaikov K.S., Tamitskiy A.M., Nikiforov A.S.

Interaction between Enterprises of the Real Economy Sector of the Russian Arctic Zone and Educational Organizations (Using the Example of the Arkhangelsk Oblast): Content, Trends and Assessments

Pilyasov A.N.

Algorithm for Overcoming the Monoprofile of the Arctic City: The Case of Norilsk

Chizhova L.A., Khadyko A.I.

Development of Aquaculture in the Northern and Arctic Territories: Problems and Solutions (On the Example of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Northern and Arctic Societies

Bogdanova E.N., Voronina L.V., Timushev E.N., Petrov E.Yu.

The Market of Traditional Food Products of Indigenous Minorities of the European North of Russia: Big Data Analysis

Zhigunova G.V., Sharova E.N.

Barriers and Factors of Tourism Business Development in Russia and the Arctic (Based on the Results of an Expert Survey)

Leonidova E.G.

Tourism in the Subjects of the European North of Russia after the COVID-19: Assessment of the State and Prospects of Development

Morozov A.A.

Tourist Attractiveness Based on the National and Territorial Identity of the Northern Region: The Example of the Republic of Karelia

Saburov A.A., Nikiforov A.S., Minchuk O.V.,

Employers' Assessment of Competences of the Employees of the Shipbuilding, Forestry and Fishing Industries of the Arkhangelsk Oblast in the Context of the Development of Digitalization and Automation of Production

Smirnov A.V.

“Digital Twin” of the Arctic Population in Demographic Research and Territorial Development Management

Reviews and Reports

Zadorin M.Yu.

Overview of International Standards and Russian Legislation on Climate Change Adaptation

Kazantseva N.V.

Results of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Yenisey Arctic”

Zhang Yu.

Positions of Russian and Chinese Expert and Analytical Centers on Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Arctic