Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


Regional Linguistic Worldview Modelling Based on the Texts of Arctic Travels of the 18th – 19th Centuries

Simashko T.V., Maslova M.N., Morozova N.S.

Specific entry: Reviews and Reports

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The article considers texts of scientists and public figures of the second half of the 18th–19th centuries, who wrote travel essays on the natural-climatic and historical-cultural peculiarities, social and daily life of the population of the Russian North and the Arctic coast. Ways of modelling the regional linguistic worldview on the basis of text analysis are suggested. The article describes the stages of working with semantically diverse texts, which make it possible to differentiate and systematise texts for the purpose of forming semantically homogeneous discourses allowing identification of the basic parameters of conceptualisation and categorisation of the world objects reflecting the essential aspects of regional life.

About authors

Tatyana V. SIMASHKO, D. Sc. of Philological Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor
E-mail: simashkotv@yandex.ru
Humanitarian Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russia

Marina N. MASLOVA, Ph. D. of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: m.n.maslova@mail.ru
Humanitarian Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russia

Nadezhda S. MOROZOVA, Ph. D. of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
E-mail: n.morozova@narfu.ru
Humanitarian Institute, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Severodvinsk, Russia


texts of the 18th–19th centuries, travel, regional linguistic worldview





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