Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 22

2016 год

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Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

Aleksey V. Alsufev

Arctic projects of the Arkhangelsk Region

Yury A. Varfolomeev, Yury A. Arbuzov

Analysis of pricing and budget normalization for construction projects on the territory of the Russian Arctic

Nikolai P. Zalyvsky

The index of happiness in the Arctic: index measurement and comparison of the dynamics of Arctic economies

Svetlana A. Lipina

Innovative development vector of the coastal areas of the Russian Arctic

Anatoly V. Shevchuk, Valentin V. Kurteev

On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Problems of the Northern Sea Route Development

Vladimir S. Selin

Driving forces and development problems of cargo flows along the Northern Sea Route

Evgeniy E. Plisetskiy

Priorities of the strategic management and planning of the Northern Sea Route

Migration Processes

Aleksandr S. Konstantinov

Social composition of the population and migration on the Arkhangelsk North according to the census materials

Svetlana V. Saidanova, Galina N. Dernova

The region with the lowest attractiveness for young people?

Conservation of the Cultural and Natural Environment of the Arctic

Vasiliy P. Koval, Dmitry N. Lyzhin

International environmental cooperation in the Arctic

Natalia Y. Shmakova, Evgenia F. Markovskaya

Еcophysiological characteristic of plants communities under the bird rookery of West Spitsbergen

Reviews and Reports

"Green economy: the environmental imperatives for economic development of the Russian Arctic”: Resolution of the round table