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Study and Development of the Northern Sea Route: Analysis of the Document Corpus of “Scientific Sibirica” Database

Rykova V.V.

Specific entry: Reviews and Reports

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The article traces main trends in research progress on the topic “Study and development of the Northern Sea Route” using the bibliographic database “Scientific Sibirica” generated by the State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A document corpus on the topic was identified using key words and subject heading, the scientometric analysis was carried out. The paper shows the temporal, linguistic, type-specific and thematic structures of the document corpus. It presents the most productive periodicals, authors with high publication activity, scientific events held on the topic. It’s noted that the Northern Sea Route development is an urgent problem of the entire world community, not only of the northern countries. The above-mentioned database can serve as an information basis for further research on various aspects of the Northern Sea Route development. The purpose is to analyze the document corpus devoted to studying the Northern Sea Route retrieved the database “Scientific Sibirica”. The method is scientometric analysis. The results are the following: the dynamics and structure of the information array are presented, productive periodicals and authors with high publication activity and main research topics are identified. The study can serve as an information basis for further research on various aspects of the Northern Sea Route development by scientists and specialists.

About authors

Valentina V. Rykova, Senior Researcher
rykova@gpntbsib.ru, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3205-7461 
State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Voskhod, 15, Novosibirsk, 630200, Russia


Northern Sea Route, scientometric analysis, "Scientific Sibirica", research information support





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