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Swedish Chairmanship of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council 2017–2019: Key Results and Achievements

Uzkiy O.V.

Specific entry: Political Processes and Institutions

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The Barents Euro-Arctic Region is an integration of states and their administrative divisions, markedly different in terms of population living standards, but with a particular affinity that affords firm ground to consider the region as a separate geopolitical, economic, social and cultural macroregion. The article concentrates on the analysis of key results and achievements of Swedish chairmanship of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council (October 19, 2017 — October 3, 2019), evaluating the current status and prospects for further international cooperation within the framework of the BEAR.

About authors

Oleg V. UZKIY, adviser of the First Deputy Governor — Chair of Arkhangelsk Oblast Government
Administration of the Arkhangelsk Oblast Governor and Government, Arkhangelsk, Russia


Barents Euro-Arctic Region, Arctic, globalization, regionalization, integration, national chairmanship, regional chairmanship, international relations, foreign policy, subjects of the Russian Federation





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