Policy and requirements
Journal policy
How to submit an article. License Agreement
Reviewing process
Journal Policy
Our Mission
The policy of "Arctic and North" helps to ensure that published articles and reviews are in demand for research, PhD dissertation, state and municipal management, policy making and the development of the northern regions.
The publication activity of “AaN” is assessed by the RSCI. A hard copy of the journal is not published.
The Editorial Board of “AaN” is committed to the policy of openness and accessibility. All articles are checked by the Antiplagiat system.
Open Access
The journal grants immediate open access to its contents. The content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
Since 2016, the open access articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy
Authors submitting manuscripts are to disclose any relationship with industrial or financial organization that may lead to conflict of interest. Authors are asked to list all forms of financial support in the body of the article.
Unpublished information and data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for peer review cannot be used in other person’s research without the explicit written consent of the author of the manuscript involved.
Any information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and cannot be used to achieve personal gain.
Reviewers are not permitted to take part in reviewing the manuscript if (due to competitive, co-operative or any other interaction) there is conflict of interest with any of the authors, companies or organizations associated with the work submitted for review.
Manuscript Processing Charges
The journal does not collect any payment from the authors for preparing, processing and publishing the materials.
Publication in the journal is free of charge for the authors.
Retracting a Publication
When considering cases of violation of publication ethics, the editor acts in accordance with COPE Retraction Guidelines and ASEP rules for retraction of articles.
The journal’s editor carefully considers all reasonable requests concerning the violations found in the published materials. The editor considers it the responsibility of the author and the reviewer to inform the editor as soon as possible about missed errors and violations revealed after the article was published.
All issues are on an open source website of the journal http://www.arcticandnorth.ru/en/article_index_years.ph, CyberLeninka and Elibrary web sites.
Plagiarism Detection
All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism by the RUCONTEXT system. The original text which has no matches and similarities with other published sources should not be less than 80 per cent. If numerous instances of copying from other sources are detected, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
How to Submit an Article
While submitting a manuscript, the author should confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in any other academic journal. When quoting an article published in the journal "Arctic and North", the publisher asks to include a link (complete URL of the material) to the official website of the journal.
The articles previously posted by the authors on personal or public websites which do not belong to and are not connected with other publishers can be accepted for consideration.
The interval between the publications by one author (or co-author) is at least 6 months.
When submitting the article, the authors confirm that the article has not been published before and it is not going to be published in another journal.
Theme and content of a submitted article should correspond to the theme of the journal, have a scientific novelty and be of interest to specialists.
The Editorial Board warns the authors that all manuscripts are peer reviewed and that the Editorial Board reserves the right to choose the most interesting and relevant ones to be published first. The average waiting time for a publication is 3–12 months.
No authors, including graduate and undergraduate students, are charged for publications; honorariums are not paid.
The Editorial Board considers the submission of the article for peer review as the transfer of rights to publish the article in the journal “Arctic and North” and place it to the databases RISC, DOAJ, OAJI, and others that promote the publication activity of the authors.
Articles for the peer review should be sent via e-mail to the Executive Secretary of the journal: aan@narfu.ru
After receiving a favourable review of the article, the authors should print, fill out, sign, scan and provide via e-mail the License Agreement. The original document must be sent to the editorial office of the journal at the address specified in the Agreement.
Privacy Statement
Surname, name of the author (co-authors), place of work, academic title, position, e-mail address provided by the authors will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this journal in accordance with the license agreement being concluded, and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other persons and organizations outside the scope of the use of the work.
The volume of the article is up to 30 pages, including appendices and references; for postgraduates, graduates, students — up to 15 pages.
The text of the article is typed in a text editor MS Word (.docx, A4 in portrait orientation) with the following formatting:
Font — Calibri. Main text — font size of 12 px; figure captions — font size of 10 px, table titles — font size of 11 px; footnotes — font size of 10 px. It is allowed to highlight thesis statements or terms in Bold or Italics.
Line spacing — multiplier 1.3.
Margins — 2 cm from each side.
Paragraph indent — 1.25 cm.
Orientation — portrait, with automatic hyphenation.
No page numbers are used.
Photos, figures, graphs, diagrams, and tables are provided in Russian and English languages and in a good quality, are included in the text of the article, and are not sent in a separate file.
Figure format. Figure caption: below the figure, font Calibri, font size of 10 px, single spacing. Center alignment without paragraph indents. The figure itself is also centered.
Example: Fig. 1. Prospects and problems of the development of the Arctic oil sector.
Table format. Table caption: above the table, font Calibri, font size of 11 px, Italic, single spacing. Alignment of the words "Table 1" to the right, alignment of the table name (one line below) in the center without paragraph indents, spacing after the title is 0.6 pts. Text inside the table: font size of 10 px, single spacing, alignment justified.
The paragraph following the figure or table should be preceded by a 6 pt spacing.
It is necessary to provide an English version of the figures (including diagrams) for English version of the journal. See the Instructions for translating figures, graphs and tables.
Each article should contain the following mandatory elements:
I. UDC — the Universal Decimal Classification code. It is placed in the upper left corner of the first page.
II. Article title in Russian and English languages.
III. Information about the author in Russian and English languages.
IV. Abstract of the article in Russian and English languages.
V. Keywords in Russian and English languages.
Vi. The main text of the article: Introduction, Sections, Conclusion.
Vii. References.
If the research was carried out with the support of a grant or within the framework of a project, it is necessary to indicate its number and title in the section "Acknowledgments and Funding".
The information about the author in Russian and English should indicate:
- Surname, first name and patronymic; academic degree and title, position.
- A separate line indicates the name of the organization and the post address.
- A valid E-mail address, and ORCID.
Abstract is a brief background description of the article. It includes the main objective of the research in a concise form, the methods used, the most important results obtained, the practical significance of the research. The size of the annotation is 150–250 words. General phrases and copying of sentences from the main text of the article should be avoided.
Keywords — 5–10 words, which reflect the main content of the text in terms of the object, subject and research methods. The concepts from the text of the article should be used.
References. The list includes only literature referenced in the text of the article. The list is compiled in the order of mention or citation in the text of the article, and not in alphabetical order. References to the authors of the books, articles, dissertations and other scientific publications used are given in the text in square brackets with the surname, initials of the author and pages: [1, Ivanov A.A., p. 6], [2, Kuznetsov P.V. , Romanov D.A., pp. 10–12; 3, Vasilyev B.A., p. 98]. Each position in the list of references is indicated once, but it is possible to refer to it repeatedly in the text (including to different pages). The absence of pages within square brackets suggests a reference to the publication as a whole, but it is preferable to indicate specific pages.
The list of references should contain at least 8 positions, but not more than 40 ones, while the share of English-language publications from Web of Science or Scopus should be 25%. Extensive self-citation is not allowed. The absence of References is permissible only for overviews of events or reviews of books.
In case the source is originally in Russian, it is necessary to give transliteration (BGN) and to translate the title of the article and journal in square brackets.
For the design of References in the journal, a style close to the Harvard standard is chosen, but with the following differences: all the authors of the source are indicated; no comma is placed before initials in surnames; the title of the article is not enclosed in quotation marks; the year is put behind the title of the journal. The source name, as in the Harvard Standard, is in Italics:
Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C., Author D.D. Title of Article. Title of Journal, year, vol., no., pp.
If the article has a DOI, it should be indicated.
Burtsev I.N. Ekologicheskie I sotsial'nye problemy gornogo proizvodstva v Respublike Komi [Environmental and Social Problems of Mining in the Komi Republic]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Gornyi zhurnal [News of the Higher Institutions. Mining Journal], 2002, no. 3, pp. 68-78.
Vasilyeva N.D. Konfessional'noe prostranstvo Yakutii v pervoy treti XX v. [The Confessional Space of Yakutia in the First Third of the 20th Century]. Khudozhestvennoe nasledie natsional'nykh literatur XX v. v obshcherossiyskom kul'turnom prostranstve: problemy vzaimodeystviya. Materialy Vseros. nauch. konf. (Yakutsk, 4—6 oktyabrya 2006 g.) [Artistic Heritage of National Literatures of the 20th Century in the All-Russian Cultural Space: Problems of Interaction. Proc. All-Rus. Sci. Conf. (Yakutsk, October 4-6, 2006)]. Yakutsk, 2007, pp. 290-294.
Fedorov V.I. Etnopoliticheskie konflikty v sovremennoy Rossii: na primere arkticheskogo regiona: dis. ... kand. polit. nauk [Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Modern Russia: the Example of the Arctic Region: Cand. Polit. Sci. Diss.]. Moscow, 2002. Pp. 54-55
Normative legal acts, instructions, archival documents, statistical compilations, inquiries, personal correspondence, Internet media reports, links to Internet resources and newspaper materials are not included in the list of references and are drawn up as subscript footnotes. For Internet resources, you should indicate the author (if any), the title of the material by reference, the Internet address, the date of access in brackets:
Reindeer Husbandry in Norway. URL: https://www.ssb.no/statistikkbanken/SelectVarVal/saveselections.asp (accessed 12 December 2015).
The numbering of all footnotes in the text of the article is continuous in order, Arabic numerals (for example: 1, 2, 3).
If the design of the manuscript sent to the editorial board differs markedly from the requirements of the journal, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision with editorial comments. Refusal to improve may result in a refusal to publish. The editorial board of the journal requests to follow the rules for the preparation of articles, if you have any questions, contact the Executive Secretary for clarifications: aan@narfu.ru
Reviewing process
All articles are peer reviewed, except the texts in section "Reviews and reports". The reviewers are the members of the Editorial Board and experts. The list of the Editorial Board members is here.
1. First, the editorial office assesses whether the theme of the article is relevant for the journal and check if the article is prepared in accordance with the requirements. If there are comments, the article is returned to the author(s).
2. The article is sent to a member of the Editorial Board or a third-party expert for a double-blind peer review. The choice of a reviewer is the prerogative of the editorial board. Articles are reviewed by leading experts in the relevant industry. Double-blind peer review is used when the reviewer and the author do not know the names and other data of each other. A manuscript is sent for review without any indication of the author’s identity. The review, in its turn, is sent to the author without any indication of the reviewer’s identity. The anonymity of the author avoids bias on the part of the reviewer, the anonymity of the reviewer allows him to evaluate the manuscript frankly and truthfully.The length of review period for each manuscript is defined by the editor.
The Editorial Office retains the reviews for the period of 5 years.
3. The reviewer assesses theoretical and practical significance of the research, personal contribution of the author to the solution of the problem under study, scientific rigour of the material presented, credibility and validity of the results obtained, coherence and clarity of the text, adherence to language and style standards. When reviewing articles, reviewers answer standard questionnaire. Based on the analysis carried out, the reviewer concludes whether the article is acceptable for publication, and, if necessary, gives comments to improve the article.
4. Based on the results of the review, the editorial board determines the further fate of the manuscript: acceptance for publication in the presented form, or the need for revision or rejection. The review period is 2-4 weeks, but at the request of the reviewer, it can be extended. The maximum time taken for reviewing is 2 months. The reviewer has the right to refuse to review if there is a clear conflict of interest that affects the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials.
5. The editorial staff sends a review to the author. Returning the manuscript to the authors for revision does not mean that the article has been accepted for publication. After receiving the revised text, the manuscript is reviewed by the editorial board again. The revised text should be returned by the authors along with the answers to all comments of the reviewers and within one week after the authors receive feedback. The article, revised by the author, is re-sent for peer review.
If the authors refuse to revise the materials, they must notify the editorial office in writing about their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the revised version after a month from the date of sending the review, even in the absence of information from the authors with a refusal to revise the article, the editorial office will remove it from the publication plan.
6.The editors conduct no more than three rounds of peer review for each manuscript. If, after three-fold revision of the manuscript, the majority of the reviewers or editorial staff have significant comments, the manuscript is rejected and removed from registration. In this case, the authors are sent a corresponding notification about the removal of the manuscript from registration; the letter contains reviews and grounds for refusing to publish.
7. If the author and reviewers have insoluble contradictions regarding the manuscript, the editorial board has the right to send the manuscript for additional review. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief or the deputy editor-in-chief.
8. After making a decision on admitting an article to publication, the editorial board informs the author about this and indicates the expected publication time. The positive review is not a sufficient reason for the publication of an article. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.
9. Reviews of manuscripts in the public domain are not published and are used only in the internal workflow of the editorial staff, as well as when communicating with authors. Copies of reviews can be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.