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Integration of marine activities in the Arctic

Maskulov E.

Specific entry: Geopolitics

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Questions of integration of sea activity in Arctic regions, its in-creasing geopolitical importance in the conditions of globalisation, the status of Northern sea way are considered. Creation of «soft» corporate structures, such as consortia or noncommercial part-
nership, «the Sea forum» to Norway, the Netherlands Sea Community allows to solve effectively problems of coordination of economic activities, protection and lobbying of interests of its partici-pants. There is actual a military-economic integration into Arctic regions, maintenance of national safety.

About authors

Maskulov Eldar, post-graduate student of Murmansk state technical university. Priority research topics: economic activity and prospects of development of maritime transportation in the Arctic. Contact Phone: 8-921-633-27-52. Fax: 327-39-96. E-mail: eldar-maskulov@mail.ru.


Arctic regions, integration, sea activity, geopolitics, consortium, noncommercial partner-ship, national safety


