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The strategy of Canada in the Arctic and Russia: is it possible to find mutual understanding?

Konyshev V. N., Sergunin A. A.

Specific entry: Geopolitics

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Canada's Arctic policy on the modern stage is analyzed in the article. It is also studied Canadian and Russian relations in this region. They are identified, like the most ‛problematic’, and also the favourable spheres for cooperating of 2 states in the Far North. It is concluded that among ‛official’ arctic powers, Canada is the most likely partner for Russia in the regional cooperating.

About authors

Konyshev Valery Nikolayevich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the department of the theories and history of the international relations of the faculty of International relations of SPSU. The Author of more than 120 scientific publications, including 5 books, 4 textbooks and manuals. E-mail: konyshev06@mail.ru.

Sergunin Alexander Anatolievich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of the department of the theories and history of the international relations of the faculty of International relations of SPSU. The author of more than 400 scientific publications, including 18 books, 10 textbooks and mannuals. E-mail: sergunin60@mail.ru.


Canada's Arctic strategy, Canadian and Russian relations cooperation and rivalry in the Far North.


