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The questions of environmental monitoring and rehabilitation of oil-contaminated soils of the Arctic zone of Yakutia

Glyaznezova U. S., Zueva I. N., Chalaya О. N., Lifshiz S. H.

Specific entry: Ecology of the Arctic and the North, nature resources

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In the study of permafrost soils to characterize the features of the natural background, the identification of oil pollution of soil, its composition and characteristics of the boundaries, it was used a complex of analytic methods: IK-Fyrie spectroscopy, gas-liquid chromatography, chromatography mass-spectrometry and geochemical approach to the interpretation of the data. The results of an experiment of the study of the degradation of oil pollution in the soils of permafrost under the effect of oil destructors on native micro flora of hydrocarbon.

About authors

Glyaznezova Yliya Stanislabovna − Ph.D. of Chemistry, senior researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SB RAS.

Zueva Iraida Nikolaevna − candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SB RAS.

Chlaya Olga Nikolaevna − candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, head of the Laboratory of Geochemistry caustobioliths, a leading researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SB RAS.

Lifshiz Sara Haimovna – Ph.D. of Chemistry, senior research worker of the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems SB RAS.


oil pollution, biodegrading, permafrost soil, micro flora, the natural background


