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Arctic social fears

Lukin Y. F.

Specific entry: Social Philosophy

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This article presents the first experience of philosophical understanding of the Arctic phobias as a social phenomenon. Phobias are here considered not like as obsessive fears or apprehensions of the individual, as well as long-term threat, anxiety, expectations of social communities and groups related to Arctic issues and requiring their conceptual analysis. We try to make an attempt to identify social phobias, their classification of content studied philosophy Homo sapiens, and fears of modern Russians. It is opened polifobiya of the Arctic environment, Arctic social and cultural phobias, fears of HAARP, climatic changes, with the polar Russo phobia with Arctic performances.

About authors

Lukin Yriy Fedorovich − Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation, Director of Institute of Management and regional studies of NarFU (Arkhangelsk).


Social fears, classifications, point of views, urban fears, arctic fears, HAARP, Russophobe, polar performance


