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Recovery technology of social work — an important condition for maintaining and ensuring family safety (case of the Arkhangelsk Oblast)

Fedulova A.B.

Specific entry: Northern and Arctic Societies

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Ensuring the social security of the modern family is an urgent issue and a priority of the national policy of the Russian Federation. In contemporary society, the relationship between the social security system and the resource of the family is visible. Family resource acts as a set of potentials aimed at maintaining the stability of the family and the development of its competence in solving family problems. So, the technology of social work aimed at enhancing the resources of the family is essential. The same is fair for the role of the immediate environment in supporting the family since it becomes an active subject in solving family problems. Such an instrument is restoration technologies focused on the resource potential of the family and the resources of social capital. These technologies are widely used in foreign social work and are a promising area for the Russian one. The use of these technologies can be a factor in increasing the effectiveness of family institutional resources in the social protection of the population. Also, the author analyzed the role of recovery technologies in ensuring the social security of the family and examined the use of these technologies in the Arkhangelsk Oblast.

About authors

Anna B. FEDULOVA: Cand. Sci. (Phil.), Associate Professor
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia


social security of the family, recovery technologies of social work, social work with the family, family trouble, family in a socially dangerous situation, institutional resources, family resources, social capital




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