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Sociocultural and socio-psychological factors of entrepreneurial potential in the Russian Arctic

Maksimov A.M., Ukhanova A.V., Smak T.S.

Specific entry: Northern and Arctic Societies

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The article discusses the theoretical problems of the entrepreneurial potential of the population on value orientations dependence, understood as the behavioral imperatives of a particular culture. The text of the article considers entrepreneurship primarily as a socio-psychological and sociocultural phenomenon. Entrepreneurship as a socio-psychological phenomenon is considered in the context of theories of behavioral economics, but as a sociocultural - based on the research tradition established by M. Weber. The authors postulate a thesis on the determining nature of the influence of the value system that domi-nates in a particular society on the level of entrepreneurial potential. The authors briefly set out the main approaches to the measurement of values in the social sciences, in particular, the approaches of M. Rokeach, R. Inglehart, G. Hofstede and S. Schwartz. The situation with the development of entrepreneur-ship in the regions of the Russian Arctic is presented in general terms, the specific problems that businesses face in the Arctic zone of the Russia are shown. The uniqueness of the Russian Arctic as a cultural macro-region is emphasized, on the basis of that a hypothesis is put forward about the special sociocultural conditions for the development of Arctic entrepreneurship compared to other territories of the country, manifested primarily in a specific system of values. Authors propose a synthesis of the methodologies M. Rokeach, R. Inglehart and S. Schwartz for a comprehensive study of the Russian Arctic' inhabitants value system.

About authors

Anton M. MAKSIMOV: Cand. Sci. (Pol.), Associate Professor. Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research named after N.P. Laverov of the RAS, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Anna V. UKHANOVA: Researcher. Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research named after N.P. Laverov of the RAS, Arkhangelsk, Russia

Tatiana S. SMAK: Head of analytical department. The Public opinion research center, Arkhangelsk, Russia


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial potential, value orientations, behavioral economics, the Russian Arctic.





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