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Human capital — a key factor of the Arctic economic development

Govorova N.V,

Specific entry: Contemporary Arctic: issues of international cooperation, politics, economics and security

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The article deals with the demographic, social and economic situation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Its demographic trends, main indicators of the economic and social development, the situation in the labor market, as well as providing the population with the necessary training and healthcare are studied. The central role in solving the complex problems of the Russian Arctic revival be-longs to the workforce as it is the main factor of the current economic growth.

About authors

Natalia V. GOVOROVA: Cand. Sci. (Econ.), leading researcher, Associate Professor
The Institute of Europe of RAS, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Technological Institute, Moscow, Russia


Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, demography, social and economic development, human resources, workforce, education, health





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