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Foreign and domestic experience of economic development of the Arctic territories

Dmitriy A. Matviishin

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article deals with the key aspects of the Arctic exploration. There is a brief description of the Arctic Council, as well as strategic goals, objectives, activities and resources used of member countries and observer organizations to achieve these goals. The resource base of the Arctic region is studied. The economic analysis of the Arctic territories by circumpolar states, including the characteristics of resource projects, is arranged. The features of the Russian and foreign approaches to the management of the economy in the Arctic are noted. The method of logical analysis, economic and statistical and historical methods are used in the research. The result is the scientific justification of advantages and potential of domestic experience of development of the Arctic, and also of the necessity of timely adaptation of economic approaches, investment policy and the legislation according to the current chalenges and tendencies.

About authors

Dmitriy A. Matviishin: Postgraduate student, Department of Economics. Murmansk State Technical University, Murmansk, Russia.


The Arctic, the history of the Arctic exploration, the Arctic strategies, resource base, resource extraction projects, the features of the Arctic development





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