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Delimitation between Russia and Norway in the Arctic: new challenges and cooperation

Vyacheslav K. Zilanov

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article analyzes the provisions of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Kingdom of Norway on delimitation of the sea areas and cooperation in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean of 15 September 2010 and it also provides an assessment of the conformity of the Treaty to national interests of Russia. The article considers the results of its practical impact on fishing activity in the North-Western sector of the Arctic, especially in the Russian home fisheries. The author discussed steps necessary for the protection of national interests after the Treaty of 2010 and its influence on fishing in the North-Western sector of the Arctic. It is proposed to hold additional Russian–Norwegian negotiations to reach an understanding between parties about the home fisheries based on traditional character near the Spitsbergen Archipelago, as well as to adopt unified measures to control fishing and harmonize penalties for violation of the agreed fishing rules for all the fishing activities at the Barents Sea.

About authors

President of the CС “Sevryba”, doctor Honoris causa at the Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU), Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences, Honored worker of fishing industry of Russia, Honorable Citizen of the Murmansk region


the Barents Sea, the Arctic Ocean, delimitation, collaboration, Russia, Norway, the Treaty on delimitation of marine living resources, continental shelf, 200-mile zone, fisheries policy, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, international treaties and





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