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Tourism in the northern dimension (Some results of the Ninth International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences)

Jani Karhu, Aleksandr Yu. Osipov

Specific entry: Reviews

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The article presents the summary of the Ninth International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences. The authors focus on the key issues of tourism development in the Arctic and Subarctic regions, such as sustainability, involvement of local people and climate change. The conference reveals how research in the field of tourism is based on multidisciplinary approaches combining economics, sociology, history and meteorology. Another part of this review is dedicated to the definitions and nature of ecotourism, its development and history in the national parks of Finland and the Republic of Karelia. National parks Koli and Paanajärvi were taken as case studies of ecotourism development.

About authors

MA, researcher, Department of Geographical and Historical Studies. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), researcher, Department of Geographical and Historical Studies. University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland.


ecotourism, Koli, Paanajärvi, Hannukainen, Svalbard, sustainable development, national park





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