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Creation of development zones in the Arctic: methodology and practice

Olga O. Smirnova, Svetlana A. Lipina, Elena V. Kudryashova, Tatyana F. Krejdenko, Yulia N. Bogdanova

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article describes the basic principles and methodological bases of formation and development of the supporting areas of the Russian Arctic. The work emphasizes that the basis of the methodological approach in the formation of the supporting areas is a vector of development of the territory as an integral project on the principle of  coordination of all "industrial" activities in the planning, goal-setting, financing and implementation, which will allow to reduce all kinds of costs and expenses, as well as all the projects included in the supporting areas should be aimed at the development of the macro-region as a whole, not just to solve individual tasks of the industry. The article underlines that the formation of the supporting areas is aimed at achieving a single global goal — to encourage efficiency and diversification of the economy of the Arctic zone, oriented to the preservation and development of the Northern Sea Route.

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Arctic, supporting areas, strategic planning, the NSR, regional economics, spatial development, national security, the government program, the development of the Northern Sea Route





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