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On the development of the main research areas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Anatoly V. Shevchuk, Valentin V. Kurteev

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article is focused on the current research trends  in the field of environmental protection and security in the Arctic. This means the development of Arctic environmental safety strategies for the period untill 2030, pollution and the environmental situation in the Russian Arctic, use of strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for the major infrastructure projects in terms of their impact on the Arctic environment and the possible damage, an environmental atlas of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation within the project of the National Atlas of the Arctic. An assessment of the dumping impact (waste disposal in the sea) on the environment of the Arctic and indigenous peoples, taking into account the transboundary transfer of pollutants. All the tasks of the environmental damage elimination could be solved by special programs. The authors also for-mulated the possible outcomes of the proposed research in the Arctic.

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Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, environment, ecological safety, strategy, strategic environmental assessment, environmental atlas, dumping, accumulated environmental damage





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