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Mission in the strategic territory management (on the example of the Solovetsky Archipelago)

Alexander Y. Tsvetkov

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article is devoted to the main aspects of the territory mission development in the context of strategic management of the territory. The paper shows the role and importance of the mission in the management of the territory and reflects the main issues and the principles of its formation. Using the example of the Solovetsky Archipelago the author analyzes the mission, gives recommendations for its improvement and provides the model of the Solovetsky archipelago mission development.

About authors

Сandidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Management Department, Higher School of Economics and Management, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov. Priority themes of research: strategic management, territory marketing, sustainable development of northern specially protected territories, tourism and its place in social and economic development of the region, regional ecological marketing


territory mission, strategic management, development of the mission, territory marketing, Solovetsky Archipelago



