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The transformation of the mobile forms of the copper in the seasonally frozen soils of the Arkhangelsk region

Repnitsyna О. N., Popova L. F.

Specific entry: Geography, Biology

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Studied the accumulation, migration and transformation of the mobile forms of copper in different types of soil in Arkhangelsk. In urban soils, as opposed to natural, not only changes the relationship of transformational forms, but the nature of the relationship of copper with soil components. The influence of technogenic to consolidate copper in the soil and on its possible transition conditions change to the neighboring environment.

About authors

Repnitsyna Оlga Nikolaevna, graduate student in the department of the chemistry and chemical ecology of the Institute of Nat-ural Sciences and Biomedicine NArFU. Con-tact phone: +7 960 015 20 69. E-mail: olga-repnicyna@rambler.ru.

Popova Ludmila Fedorovna, Ph. D. in chemistry, assistant professor in the depart-ment of the chemistry and chemical ecology of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Bio-medicine NArFU. Contact Phone: +7 911 556 37 59. E-mail: ludap9857@pochta.ru.


copper, kulturozem, replantozem, urbanozem, transformational form


