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The historical types of the settlements on the Kola Peninsula, like landscape ‛texts’ of the Russian exploration

Fedorov P. V., Golovach R. I.

Specific entry: History

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Based on the description of the appeared historical types of the settlements in the Kola North. In the first article the way of looking at the process of development of the Russian-Arctic areas, which are contacted with each other landscape ‛texts’. The approach is addressed to the depth of the cultural development of the northern area, allowing you to refuse from often simplified understanding of the development of a ‛colonization’ of empty spaces.

About authors

Fedorov Pavel Viktorovich, Doctor of History, Professor of the Historical Department, vice-rector of the scientific research work in Murmansk State Humanitarian University. Contact phone: +7 (8152) 21 38 39. E-mail: City-Murmansk@yandex.ru.

Golovach Roman Ivanovich, postgraduate of the Historical department of Murmansk State Humanitarian University. E-mail: real_roman@mail.ru.


urbanization, city, industrialization, colonization, modernization, cultural landscape, Kola North, transformation, settlement


