Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


On the interaction of indigenous peoples of the North and industrial companies: the case of Yugra

Khaknazarov S.Kh.

Specific entry: Ethnic Diversity of the Russian Arctic

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In this work the author generalized and analyzed the results of a sociological study on problems of social and economic development of the territories of the traditional environmental management (TTEM) of the indigenous ethnic groups of the North (IEGN). The purpose and research problems are consisted in obtaining information on economic and social conditions of territories of traditional environmental management and a condition of the IEGN’s crafts. The results of a sociological research show, the main motive for traditional economic activity among the IEGN is preservation of the traditional lifestyle. Most of respondents believe that relationship between of the TTEM owners and subsoil users must be based only on a contractual basis (economic agreements). More than a half of respondents believe that the economic agreements concluded between subsoil users and the TTEM owners can partially compensate their expenses and provide communities. On the other hand, an insignificant part of respondents shows mistrust to this form of the relations, saying that the economic agreement is just a formality. Only an insignificant part of respondents noted that their relations with subsoil users were conflict.

About authors

Said Kh. KHAKNAZAROV: Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.).
Ob-Ugriс Institute of Applied Researches and Developments, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia


territory of the traditional environmental management, peoples of the North, respondents, poll, subsoil users, relationship, economic agreements, payments





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