Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


State policy towards indigenous peoples of Alaska: historical review and contemporary issues

Polina S. Golomidova, Aleksander A. Saburov

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The article analyzes main stages of policy development towards indigenous peoples of Alaska and its influence on aboriginal cultures from the beginning of Russian colonization in the 18th century up to present time. The authors conclude that current policy towards indigenous peoples in Alaska can be generally evaluated as successful and supporting development of traditional cultures. The main achievements of this policy are: high level of self-organization and self-government of Alaska natives, legally secured rights for land and resources, progress in conservation of cultural heritage. However, social and economic challenges faced by indigenous people present a potential threat to the political stability in Alaska.

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Alaska, indigenous peoples, policy, acculturation, segregation, assimilation, multiculturalism, rights




323 +325 +342

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