Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


New comers of the Arctic Council open the Far North

Natalia M. Antyushina

Specific entry: The Arctic Twenty: 12 observer countries of the Arctic Council

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The article is devoted to the study of the elaboration and realization of the Arctic policy in three countries-members of the EU. These are Netherlands, Poland and Spain. Up to now Spain is not very interested in the Arctic, but now it is very interested in the development of the arctic tourism. Netherlands possesses the wide experience in offshore extraction of hydrocarbons, which may be used in the Far North. Poland is very active and aims to unite the observer countries of the Arctic council. The study of the climate change and environmental conditions are the main objects of the interests of these three countries.

About authors

Candidate of Economic Sciences, the leader of the Centre of Northern Europe, Institute of Europe of the RAS


arctic policy, global worming, the threat of the flooding of the coastal areas, Svalbard, arctic tourism, arctic technologies for extraction of mineral resources, sustainable development of the Arctic





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