Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


An integrated approach to tourism development in protected natural areas

Viktor S. Kuznetsov

Specific entry: Arctic Tourism in Russia

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The article presents the assessment of tourist activity in terms of development of economy and a result of increased interest of people to rest and travel in the Arctic. Development of the ecotourism in the protected areas is in focus of the article. A draft concept of tourism development in the National park “Russian Arctic” and the state nature reserve of federal importance “Franz Josef Land” are discussed in the context of the most promising approaches to the their development.

About authors

Candidate of Geographical Sciences, a specialist in the field of system ecology and applied scientific research of wildlife and environmen in the North and in the Arctic zone of Russia. One of the founders of the National Park “Russian Arctic”, author of a number of scientific and educational books on history of the discovery and development of the Arctic archipelago of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, active member of the Russian Geographical Society


Arctic, tourist activity, tourist resources, tourist product, ecotourism, protected areas, natural and cultural heritage, development prospects



