Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


Ecological tourism in protected natural areas of the Russian Arctic: prospects and challenges

Elena I. Golubeva, Nadezhda I. Tulskaya, Maria V. Tsekina, Natalia I. Kirasheva

Specific entry: Arctic Tourism in Russia

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The article focuses on the problems and prospects of the ecological tourism in the natural protected areas (NPA) in the Russian Arctic. It is proposed to create a unified terminological basis for the concept of “ecotourism”. We analyzed the systemic problems that hinder the development of ecotourism in the NPA of the Arctic region. The article shows arising recreational conflicts, caused by environmental and traditional land use issues and the existence of NPA in the Arctic. We also discuss promising aspects of the ecological tourism, preservation of the heritage of indigenous peoples of the North and opportunities for involving local people in economic activities and environmental education.

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ecotourism, protected territories, the Arctic, recreational capacity, recreational, environmental, traditional land use, natural and cultural heritage, geographical factors



